Język angielski: Postcards from holidays (Lekcja 2)

Język angielski: Postcards from holidays (Lekcja 2)

Prezentujemy drugi konspekt zajęć z języka angielskiego autorstwa pani nauczycielki Agaty. Zajęcia przygotowano dla uczniów szkół podstawowych i dotyczą sposobów wykorzystania Internetu i komputera do nauki języka obcego. Temat drugi: Postcards from holidays.

Lesson topic: Postcards from holidays
Grade: sixth
Age of students: 12-13
Number of students:
Time: 45 minutes
Level: A1

computer with Internet access, worksheets with postcards.

Key vocabulary:
dear, see you soon, how are you, greetings from, love…, yours …, Best wishes, All the best, Warm regards.

Main goal:
to provide some polite phrases used at the beginning and at the end in letters, emails, postcards

Subsidiary goals:
– to practice the use of polite phrases
– to develop writing and reading skills

Assumed knowledge:
Students should know phrases used in emails and letters
Students can write a short email describing their last holidays

Anticipated problems:
Some students could have problems with using appropriate phrases.
Some students may have problems with finishing the task in limited time.

The teachers is going to let students finch their postcards at home.


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